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Ip cams in Dnipro - buy

Our online store offers different ip cams for different tasks. You can buy ip cams with warranty and delivery at Dnipro. Some of the goods are represented in your city, but some are in remote warehouses. Therefore, delivery of goods to Dnipro may take several days.
It is not difficult to buy ip cams in our store. It is enough to register, select the necessary product and order. Our team will take care of fast delivery to Dnipro.
You can also buy ip cams in Dnipro on credit in our online store. We cooperate with such financial institutions as Privat and Mono. They provide lending to our customers.
So, ip cams to buy in Dnipro does not represent an effort at all. You just need to make a choice.
This section presents 2 products. You can buy all these ip cams in Dnipro at a price from 10 000.00₴ UAH.
Ip cams in Dnipro buy - fast, cheap and reliable.
Out of stock
10 00000 
Country of originPeople's Republic of China VersionLTE ManufacturerReolink Detection angle180° Focal length2.7 - 12 mm. Resolution8 MP 4608*1728P 4K Effective backlight distance30 m. Frame rateMax. 25 frames per second
Out of stock
13 50000 
Country of originPeople's Republic of China VersionLTE ManufacturerReolink Detection angle180° Focal length2.7 - 12 mm. Resolution16 mp. Effective backlight distance30 m. Frame rateMax. 20 frames per second
Product filters
Frame frequency


  • 10000
  • 13500
Version (1)
Кількість об'єктивів
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